Monday, October 12, 2009

Last date night

Andy's parents came to town last night to drop off Mookie, their dog because they are going out of town. We are pretty sure that this is our last chance to get out without children in tow, so out we went. I have been having major Houston's cravings (if you haven't ever had their spinach dip, you are missing out!) so that was what we had. It was so nice to be relaxed for a few hours and enjoy ourselves like real people. :)
I went to Meagan's first parent teacher conference today at her school. It went well. She is doing well and is on grade level for all of her skills. Andy and I really just wanted one thing for her during her first nine weeks at kindergarten, and that was to be happy and well adjusted, two goals that she has acheived.
I know that I have been in the south for too long. Today's indicator? Meagan used the phrase "right quick." Oh my.
We have an ultrasound tomorrow. If my amniotic fluid drops below 5 ( I was at 7 last week, so pretty close) I will get induced. Cross your fingers for me...I really want to let him cook for another week.

1 comment:

Abra Leah Cross said...

Let me know how it goes!!