Friday, April 27, 2012


Andy and I are going to Lawrence!!!!  A few reasons:
It is not nearly as hot there.   It is beautiful.  I have many memories and will probably cry because I miss it that much.  I met my wonderful husband and some awesome friends there.  I was well trained for my profession in Bailey Hall.  Two of my favorite (Austinites, as far as I am concerned) people ever live there and their adorable daughter and I get to see them.  Andy and I get to spend some time kids-free, which rarely happens when you have three young children.  It is a fairly inexpensive trip.  Enough reasons?
Yup.  I can't wait to be on Mount Oread.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I want to do exactly what my sisters do!

 Here is little buddy, pushing a (broken) grocery cart that totally was slated to be disposed of but Natalie "rescued."  We will have to get him a fresh one soon, as he loves it.  He put his baby in the front of it and pushed baby around the house, randomly sticking items into the cart.  Notice that Baby, just like Baby Jenny, has drawings all over her head. 
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Friday, April 13, 2012

It's a Big Boy room!

First, I must point out that the stain behind Matthew is NOT pee.  It is spilled paint that just happens to be yellow.  Natalie and Matthew still love playing with Rocking Elmo.  He never gets old!  We ordered Fathead stickers for Matthew's room in the Cars theme.  The best part I failed to capture on camera; it was watching Andy trying to tear open the seemingly impossible tube that arrived at our house today.  Th cars are really cute!  They make the room much more colorful and happy.  We never really did much much with the animal theme that we bought for his cribbing.  I liked it, actually, I still like it.  I just thought that the Cars would last much longer for Buddy.  We *almost went with "Melmo", but Cars won out.

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

It was another busy weekend. Saturday we went to watch Lexi in her dance performance, which was awesome. Meagan and Nati loved it. Then, we went home to nervously watch the Ohio State vs. Kansas game. It was very scary, but we are thrilled that we managed to pull that off. I so admire these guys. This morning, the girls went to religious school and Andy and I planned on going to the gym. Didn't happen. We went to Central Market instead and watched Buddy shriek in delight when he saw birds (they are everywhere there. They are no fools. Little kids drop food constantly.) He also loved the turtles. Finally, this afternoon we got back together with Lexi, Mike, Lexi and Jax to have an Easter Egg hunt. Matthew had no idea what to do, but he happily ran after Mike when he showed him where to look. Meagan, Natalie, Jax, and Lexi were more seasoned egg hunters and were very happy with their candy. Matthew was a perfect storm of unhappiness as a toddler- he was exhausted, he didn't nap, and he ate a whole bunch of candy that he isn't normally allowed to have. Total recipe for disaster. He fell asleep after a while, though, and woke up in slightly better spirits for dinner. All in all, a good weekend. Tomorrow we will hope will turn out terribly for our Jayhawks. I remember posting on here back in '08 when we were in the championship game in similar disbelief. This time, though, I won't be sad if we lose. Well, that isn't true at all because I will be very sad. But, this has been a fun year to watch and we are not a team of NBA pros like Kentucky, so making it this far has been sweet in and of itself. Remind me tomorrow night that I said all of this.