Wednesday, October 28, 2009

First week at home

It is hard to believe that last week at this time Matthew was not yet here with us! In some ways, it feels like he has been here much longer, but in others we are definitely still getting used to things. He is changing quite a bit each day. His actual physical appearance is changing, something that is always odd for me to see as a parent. Most of the time it is a very gradual change over months, but in that first week of life, newborns change each day. He still seems tiny to me. We went in for a quick checkup to make sure his jaundice was okay (it is!) and he gained an ounce to 5 lb, 7 oz from his hospital checkout weight. I will post a photo on here later that I took last night where he looks exactly like Meagan at the same time period. Something else that I am having to get used to is changing a boy's diaper. Not only do I have to mess with the taking care of the circumcision thing, but I have learned very fast that I need to make sure things are "arranged" properly or I will be changing his outfit five times a day. I have been overjoyed with Meagan and Natalie's reaction to Matthew; it is really my dream come true. Natalie is a little bit thrown off of her normal routine and we all pay the price for that, but both girls are so loving towards him. They like to sing to him, show him his toys, and start the music on his swing. The first thing they want to do after school is run to kiss him . Of course, he can't really see anything, but he does react to their voices.
The only rough part? I don't mind the diapers, the laundry, any of it. The part that has been rough is the usual mom complaint of a newborn being confused about day and night. Two nights ago he did great and I was so happy. Last night was awful. He was wanting to eat all night, non stop, and there is no way that I slept total more than 2 1/2 hours. As I said, rough. When Meagan was born, I had no other responsibilities, so it wasn't a big deal. Now, though, I have two little girls who also depend on me. Andy has been awesome about pitching in, and of course they are in school much of the day, but we still have baths, dinner, and bedtime routines to do, and I am not willing to give that stuff up with Meagan and Natalie. I know how quickly this time will go, so that is making it much easier.

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