Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Daddy's Fountain and some school pics

We have a decent amount of photos now with this sign.  It stands at the front of Faith Montessori and for some reason, Matthew likes to stand on the little ledge.  Today I thought I would get a few shots of them to show how they are growing.  We started at this little school years ago (6!!!) and now Matthew is there.This is a link to when the actual center opened, rather than the inhome daycare.  The girls and Matthew all had the same lead teacher, which says a lot in the constantly changing world of preschool staff. 

Natalie bought Matthew this shirt at the mall yesterday.  It is full of characters that he likes.  His newest fave is Spiderman.

Andy put in this new fountain a few months ago instead of the old one we had before.  I think it looks good.  We've gotten some rain so things aren't as completely dead as before.  The lake continues to look pathetic, though.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Fastest Summer EVER and Happy Birthday Brian!

Truly, I have no idea where this summer has gone.  It is already almost over!  I can't say it is the best summer, certainly ,but it sure is going by way too fast.  As far as this top picture goes, don't feel too bad for Brian since I posted it.  He sent it to me. This is with our family's first pug, Pugsley, whom is still my fave.  My brother turned 35 yesterday.  I was lucky enough to see him this week and we got to celebrate together for once.  My mom took us out to dinner at Jack Allen's up in Round Rock.  My telling you to go out to eat in Round Rock happens just about never, but in this case it is worth it.  The restaurant uses locally sourced foods and is creative.  I have heard their brunch rocks, so that will be my next time there.

 The pile behind Matthew is an entire box of cars that he has dumped out.  The boy loves, loves, loves his cars.  Natalie is super sweet and will play with him for hours with them.  She likes for them to go to car school, have car families and be best buddies.  Matthew wants to crash them, but they find a happy medium.
The girls got haircuts a few weeks ago.  Meagan always wants to grow her hair out, but swimming has taken a toll on her hair.  We trimmed off a few inches and it looks great.  Natalie always likes her hair short.  It matches her personality and shows off her eyes.  The girls are home with me next week.  We have lots of playdates and special things to do.  After next week, they are in camp most of the time.  I have trainings sprinkled in those weeks and then I go back to teacher work week.  As I said, the summer is going too fast.  It is capped off with a trip to San Fransisco for me.  I am not taking the kids this year but will take some combination of kiddos next summer.