Monday, October 13, 2008

This cracked me up!

From a September 2005 mommies Message Board:
This has become a recurring problem with her. She is getting up in the night, and helping herself to food in the fridge, cutting her hair (last night was the second time, I have no idea how we are going to fix it this time) coloring on everything. And the food she gets from the fridge? It's not to eat, it's to decorate the house with!! Last time, she decorated the kitchen counters, the couch, and my dh who was sleeping on said couch with chocolate syrup. LAst night it was an entire bottle of blue cheese dressing. She dumped most of it into a salad. When I heard her, she was mucnhing on a tomato, and had hidden my glasses. Her destructive wave had no end!! She colored on every piece of paper in the office, grabbed a chair to reach the scissors. Snipped a few hunks of hair in there, then headed to her bedroom, which is where she hid my glasses, then she stopped in the living room to hack off more hair, then onto the kitchen!! In kitchen the food wars started, along with the removal of more hair!!
I am at my wits end,,,,,someone take her please!!! At least until the first when dh gets paid again and I can work gates into our monthly budget!

I think this is reassuring! Maybe Natalie's little temper tantrums aren't all that bad. My favorite part is the dad with chocolate syrup all over him.
The girls decided today that they wanted piggy tales. Meagan got a haircut on Saturday, so her hair is a bit shorter. Natalie needs one! Her hair is all the way down her back now and prone to tangles.
Last night our sweet little Peanut, the littlest of our dogs, had a seizure. Pokie had one a few months ago and we rushed her to the hospital. The hospital told us that the seizures look really scary but aren't dangerous. Deja' Vu, right? Totally what they told us about Natalie. Anyway, we are going to keep an eye on Peanut and see how she is. I am glad that I am home today to watch her. Poor baby. She looked so scared, which is different than Natalie's seizures. During her seizure she seemed to not know what was going on. Peanut, though, had a panicked look on her face and has been very clingy ever since.

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