Sunday, April 27, 2008

Busy bees...

Thankfully, our weekend involved no driving, or at least no long distances. Actually, it does not really matter, because I think we would have had total rebellion (not from the kids- from andy and myself!) and we wouldn't have gone anywhere. Especially when gas costs 900 zillion dollars a gallon. Only a slight exageration.
Meagan's friend Lexi celebrated her 4th birthday all decked out in Annie gear. That is her in the bright red wig, with Meagan next to her singing "Happy Birthday."
We made a "beautiful" handmade sign to accessorize Meagan's herb garden. Her daddy is trying to get her excited about gardening, but he also likes having a project to do together. She will eat anything as long as it has her herbs in it. That doesn't say that much, though, because she will eat 99% of things on a normal basis. Just don't add any onions to the recipe or it is off limits. Anyway, her herb garden sign will be fired and ready to go by next weekend.
Quite the storms that made their way through Austin last night/this morning. I don't think we had a lot of hail, but many people did.
The weekends really do fly by too quickly. I can't wait for June.

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