Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring Break!

One of the best parts of teaching, hands down, is that we get a good amount of breaks. Andy is jealous. He says that I am always on, or almost on, a break. I can not say that this is true, but I am thankful for the breaks that we do get. I have to point out, though, that there is a reason for multiple breaks. Middle schoolers are "challenging." As much as I whine about what I do, I enjoy it.
Meagan and Natalie, however, do not get a spring break. Their challenging and demanding curriculum of playing with playdough, naptime, and fingerpainting knows no breaks. I would not want to interrupt that kind of learning. OK, so I really just want a bit of time to myself. I am picking them up early today so that they can go play at Meagan's bestest buddy's house, Lexi. Meagan and Lexi have played together since they were tiny babies, yet they are finally just in the past year actually playing together. They would play next to one another (developmentally called "parallel play") but not so much with one another. Now they are very sweet and have loads of fun together. Natalie just follows along, a big grin on her face because she is with the big girls. Every once in a while, Lexi's mom and I actually get to talk too!
The girls are still thrown off a little from the time change. I woke Meagan out of a very deep sleep at 9:00 today. Natalie was talking to her friends in bed a little already, but Meagan was firmly in sleepland.
I am now going to go try to find dresses for the girls' Uncle Peter's wedding rehersal dinner. Their flower girl dresses will arrive next week. Meagan can't wait because I have promised a prize, but I am crossing my fingers that the princess ( otherwise known as "my name is NATI, not Natawee.") will not ruin Peter and Mary's wedding photos!

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