Sunday, March 30, 2008

Final Four, baby!

It feels good to say that...Final Four! Beautiful pictures of Lawrence celebrating can be seen here: We are loving it, but that game was not fun. AT ALL. It was painful. I was hiding behind a pillow crossing my fingers that we would not suffer the fate that the Longhorns had earlier that afternoon. I am well aware that we have to play UNC in a week. Actually, aware isn't an accurate term. It is more like horrified. It will stink to go down to the likes of Roy Williams.
My girlies "helped" me sort out the tupperware drawers today. You can see how they helped. They giggled and tortured the dogs. I did not find the tupperware cleaning to be very satisfying. First of all, it took forever. Second, as soon as I finished the lids were a big mess again. Great blogging material here!

1 comment:

Sammie said...

they are soo cute!