Sunday, August 7, 2011

Life around here

It is so hard to believe that it is August already. We went to go get new backpacks and lunch boxes today. That was a very difficult decision, as there are a million choices to chose from at the store. I am not looking forward to the early morning craziness of running around getting the kids dressed, making lunches, etc. I am excited, though, for the kids to experience new things. Nat is super pumped up to start Kinder, Meagan is taking her job of guiding Natalie through her school very seriously, and Matthew starts Montessori school twice a week next month. My babies are getting so big....
The girls are done with art camp. This week they are doing camp at our gym. It is a large camp, way bigger than they are used to going to. Meagan and Natalie will be in the same group, so that should help.

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