Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey for you and Turkey for me

(Who doesn't like an Adam Sandler reference?)
We had a great Thanksgiving. It was smaller this year, unfortunately because my cousin had to work and his family couldn't come (the girls missed their Uncle and cousin Bobo!), but still very nice. Of course, we had enough food for ninety people, and we will be enjoying it for many days (or weeks!??!) to come. Matthew was completely alert and awake for the entire dinner. He just stared at us and didn't fuss (didn't even need his pacifier.) We have noticed how much more aware he is of his enviornment. Lately he likes to stare at lights, fans, and televisions.
Meagan and Natalie were very stylish in their matching sweaters and scarves. Granted, it was not really scarf weather (I adore this weather, cold in the mornings, warm in the afternoons), but they looked hip regardless. On Wednesday Brian was nice enough to come over and hang out with the girls so I could get stuff done. Both girls insisted on putting on fancy dresses and party shoes. Apparently it was a big event!

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