Sunday, July 19, 2009

Are. You. Kidding??? (and my almost 25 week belly)

Finally, after a million years (seemingly!) we are fixing up our house. That involves a ton of painting and replacing carpeting. The new carpeting is coming on Wed, so we have been (or at least andy) moving all of the stuff from the guest room and our master bedroom into the living and dining rooms. The couch pictured is headed to big trash day in a few weeks, but we are turning the living room into an office. The full extent of this mess is not pictured in these photos, as there is a mattress propped up in the hallway, bedsprings in the other hallway, a headboard in the dining room, etc. In a week or so we should have our new bedroom furniture delivered. We are very excited for that! The new paint color in the bedroom can be seen in this lovely photo of my 24 1/2 week belly. Apparently, "Grover" is one hungry baby. I am starving all of the time, but the good news is that besides the issues I have with my leg, I feel great. He moves all of the time, way more than the girlies, so that is constantly reassuring. My next appt. is August 5th for the diabetes check, always a fun appointment. After that, it is every two weeks.
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