Friday, April 13, 2012

It's a Big Boy room!

First, I must point out that the stain behind Matthew is NOT pee.  It is spilled paint that just happens to be yellow.  Natalie and Matthew still love playing with Rocking Elmo.  He never gets old!  We ordered Fathead stickers for Matthew's room in the Cars theme.  The best part I failed to capture on camera; it was watching Andy trying to tear open the seemingly impossible tube that arrived at our house today.  Th cars are really cute!  They make the room much more colorful and happy.  We never really did much much with the animal theme that we bought for his cribbing.  I liked it, actually, I still like it.  I just thought that the Cars would last much longer for Buddy.  We *almost went with "Melmo", but Cars won out.

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