Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's fun to play at the Y-M-C-A





Meagan had a ball at her birthday party. If you are ever looking for a reasonable, well run place for a party, the Cedar Park YMCA is your place. They were great! The kids got to do all kinds of gymnastics and the parents didn't have to do too much work. We collected lots of books for the Dell Children's Hospital, which we will be bringing over to the hospital soon.
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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Meagan is SIX!


Meagan was a very highly anticipated baby. I had gone through a lot to get pregnant, and we were over the moon to welcome her home in January of '04. I know every mother thinks this, but I think my big girl is special. She is loving, patient and giving. She is donating her birthday gifts to children at Dell Children's Hospital, something she wanted to do when she saw her friend Piper doing something similar. Andy and I are very proud of her and can't wait to see who she becomes as she grows up.
We gave her the present that she has been wanting the most, a FurReal friend Panda Bear. The thing is creepy, really. It is way too lifelike for my taste. Uncle Brian G. got her the coolest REAL guitar. It may be a while until she can play it for real, but she is very taken by it.
Speaking of Uncle Brian, we went over to Meagan's school with Natalie and Matthew to pass out treats. I definitely think middle school is more my speed. Yikes, those kindergarteners have a lot of energy.
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

She did it! She did it!


If you know Meagan, you know that she tends to be a scaredy-cat. Natalie got her ears pierced a year and a half ago, but Meagan refused. Today when I joked about it, she said "yes!" We were very surprised. We headed over to the mecca of earrings for kids, Claire's. I had hoped that two people would do the job, but they only had one gun. I was very concerned that we would end up with one ear pierced only, but she did it. Not only that, but she didn't cry.
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

He will always be Grover to us!





Grover is not the coolest name on the block, so we couldn't really name baby boy that name. However, Meagan and Natalie named Matthew "Grover" as soon as they knew it was a boy. The name definitely stuck, and when I saw this tshirt online, it was a must-buy. He is moving in the photos; I couldn't get him to stay still! I think it is because he is trying to fly like Super Grover.
The cupcake was Meagan's special treat for her fabulous report card. She is starting to read! It has been slow going for her, but it is falling into place. We were the proudest, though, of her excellent "grades" in cooperation, helping peers, etc.
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Friday, January 15, 2010

It is hard being a third child!


When I was pregnant with Meagan, we had her nursery completed by month 7. We were struggling, but by the time Natalie arrived, we were set again. Well, not so with Matthew. Today I finally set up his crib with the set that we bought for him. I think he needs to start napping up there sometimes so that it isn't a total shock when we move him eventually up to his own room (he is in our room in a pack and play because we are downstairs, and the kids are upstairs.) I stuck him in there, and it was like a smile factory! He kept on grinning and grinning. I guess he likes it, but I am not so sure that he will like it when we leave him in there for the night.
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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Our week so far

Our family seems to have a bit of a cold, with Andy hit the worst. Meagan is congested, but nothing awful, and Natalie has a little cough. No fever, luckily! Matthew is staying healthy as of now. He went in for his shots a little bit late today. He had two vaccines at his two month appt, but since he was not even nine lbs, we waited on the Prevnar and the Hib. He cried a little, but then was fine. My big boy weighs 11 lbs, 8 oz.
I had to put Matthew down to go get the girls their toothbrushes last night and he started to cry. All of a sudden, he stopped. I looked in, and Meagan had him on her lap, rubbing his back, and Natalie had his Speak and Say. She was pushing the cow button and saying, "look Matthew, cow!" It was really sweet.
Tomorrow Meagan's class is building an ice castle. Everyone is bringing in ice in different shapes and then her class will be assembling a castle. Sounds pretty cool to me.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

This weekend




Hopefully I will post a few more later, but here are a few photos from this weekend. Meagan has discovered that she loves the game SORRY and relishes beating her relatives. She also got to celebrate her birthday a little early with her uncles. Matthew got a new hat that Grandma Lois knitted.
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

Photos from the past few days


Matthew blowing bubbles, Meagan doing arts and crafts with Barni (who doesn't have an artistic dog? Apparently, based upon this photo, not only is Barni artistic, but she is the devil. Check out those eyes!), Natalie celebrating New Year's Eve, and Matthew using his Bumbo.
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Saturday, January 2, 2010

A new year...a new decade

We thought that we were only going to have Matthew for New Year's eve since the plan was for the girls to be in Dallas with my parents. Instead, after a nightmare of a day that involved TWO trips to Waco by both my mother and myself, we were all together. My mom deserves a major prize for all that she did on Wed. We headed up to Dallas on Friday instead and had a nice few days. I hope to post a picture or two of Matthew meeting Julia, my friend Michelle's daughter. Julia was born one day before my little guy.