Another summer has come and gone. Not the best summer to say the least. It was full of sadness about my dad and nine million errands and things that had to be done for our house. I think that we all dealt as well as can be expected. Time goes on, as always, and now it is the start of another school year. I reported for the first day today of teacher work week. No teacher likes that day too much, but it is nice to see friends. I always enjoy trying to get my kids' schedules to work. That is a lie. That is the worst part of work week. Hopefully it will all fall into place. I am looking forward to teaching 6th grade again.
The pictures of the sodas above? Well, they are Bug Barf, Toxic Slime and Kitty Piddle sodas. I found a place called Rocket Fizz in Palo Alto that specializes in unusual sodas and candies. I was all over that. Brian took me and I think he thought it was as amusing as I did. He got a Judge Wapner soda. Just like the oh-so-famous judge from the 80's. It was actually really good!
I just had to include this photo. It is hilarious and is what happens when Matthew gets ahold of my phone. This is a super awesome photo of Dr. Jenny, the kids' dentist.